Anecdote you might use:
The family group (grandchildren, parents, grandparents) was walking back home from a garden luncheon at the Mount. I (granddadish fellow) had young Lyla on my shoulders and we were following the gaggle. It was like talking to God. Our conversation was birthdays. How old is Sadie, I asked god. God replied “two” How old next birthday “three”. How old are you Lyla “Three” How old next birthday I queried: “Four”. Now where do I go i thought. The pause was long enough to allow a question from god: “What’s your number, Stuart?” My number is seventy, I replied, that’s a big number isn’t it? No, said god, “ten” is a big number!.
Treasured in Toronto, Canada
A dear friend recently returned to Toronto after living in New Zealand for a number of years. I went to visit shortly after her arrival and was tasked with unpacking a box of her treasured books. Books so treasured as to be shipped half way around the world. Among the impressive classic hardcovers was a small book of cartoons – “The Little Things: Cartoons to Save Your Sanity”. Looking somewhat out of place within the collection, I picked it up, sat down and began reading. Then I started laughing. When I finally regained some control of the situation, I took a closer look at the cover. Then I started laughing even harder. OMG – illustrated by Peter Lole!
Response from The Little Things cartoons
Hi Denise! Yes, all is incredibly well! Just reading your words reawakened a host of memories from days so long ago that I don’t want to think any more about them! And by the way, you weren’t supposed to be watching me drawing, you were supposed to be sticking bits of typesetting onto cardboard with rubber cement!
Anyway – contacting us certainly beats six degrees of separation. And we’re really glad you enjoyed the book! (There’s actually two books with another being worked on – plus calendars…….)
All the best to you Denise and thanks so much for getting in touch. Cheers, Peter
So much reality- LOVELY!
Love your cartoons (not really the right word but can’t think of another). I am a grandmother and the pics tell the story about bringing up kids with so much reality. Lovely!!
Response from The Little Things cartoons
Hi Jenny, Thank you very much for the nice message.
Peter and I love getting that kind of feedback – it’s always nice to be reminded of all the people out there who enjoy seeing The Little Things each day.
You're always spot on, says Grandad
I love your cartoons in the Dom. They are neatly placed at the rear of the paper so after reading all the bad news and political stuff I can get a giggle. You are always spot on. by Granddad
Response from The Little Things cartoons
Hi Ross, thanks for the very encouraging message. We really appreciate it. Cheers, Matt
No nastiness whatsoever - unlike some. Keep up the good work !
Gentlemen, It is always a pleasure to see and read your cartoons because they display no nastiness whatsoever – unlike some. Keep up the good work of bringing a smile to readers’ faces six days a week.
Response from The Little Things cartoons
Hi Mike, thank you for the very nice message. Always nice to hear from people who like what we’re doing. Cheers, Matt
My highlight is when I get to your cartoon...
I read the DomPost every morning and my highlight is when I get to your cartoon.
Short and to the point, well done
Response from The Little Things cartoons
HI Tami, thank you very much for the kind words. We love knowing that there are people all over the country enjoying The Little Things each day. Cheers, Matt
I love the way the drawings match the text.
I love reading littlethings every day. I love the way the drawings match the text. Today, however, I was disappointed to see you putting a baby on Facebook. I know people do that, and I also know lots of people who never ever do. I think babies should stay right out of social media until they are old enough to choose for themselves. And with a comment like the one you made today, the baby is likely to get a much wider viewing than the baby’s family.
Response from The Little Things cartoons
Hi Jenny, thanks for the message and glad you enjoy The Little Things. The cartoon you’re referring too was borrowed directly from a post by a FB friend. I do appreciate your point of view but people love sharing their family’s stories and it’s pretty hard to do that without including photos of kids. Cheers, Matt
Best thing in the Southland Times .
Looking at your cartoons make my day. Best thing in the Southland Times .The never ending subjects you come up with amazes me. Keep up the the good work, long may it last ! Regards Ron Matheson
PS Hope you are being well paid for your talent .
Response from The Little Things cartoons
Hi Ron, thanks for the message. Much appreciated! Somehow the ideas still seem to come and I’m very lucky to someone as talented and professional as Peter to draw them.
Cycling cartoons- love 'em
Love all your cycling related cartoons, can relate to them all….
Wonderfully amusing and pointed cartoons
You guys produce some wonderfully amusing & pointed cartoons! Please do not give free advertising to companies (Pamol instead of paracetamol in today’s, 17/04/2019, effort in The Press. Thanks, Tony.
Response from The Little Things cartoons
Thanks for the compliments, Tony. And good point about advertising! Cheers, Matt